Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Who Has Time to Masturbate?

Dating SEX Atheists Admit to Masturbating POSTED BY JOSH GROSS website okcupid.com has releasedanother round of chartsillustrating odd factoids about relationships and sexual habits.
According to one of the charts, 20 percent of Jewish women claim never to have masturbated, as opposed to 18 percent of Hindus and 8 percent of Christians. The lowest percentage was a tie between Christian and Atheist men at 2 percent.
Other items charted include sex drive as it relates to college tuition, the average length of a relationship vs. the average length for regular Twitter users, and the level of confidence claimed across the spectrum of body types.
The charts are made with data gathered from users as they answer questions about their interests, demographics and personal backgrounds and desires.
Aside from being a sociologist's dream, the overall thrust of much of the data is that people are much shallower than they'd like to admit.